A customized pelvic steaming plan with in-depth conversation around your menstrual analysis, effective pelvic steaming method, and various self-care recommendations.
– 40 min. in-person or via Zoom
– Written session summary with a customized pelvic steaming protocol and self-care recommendations
– 30-days support by email
1 session: $80 (instead of $120, until I graduate the Peristeam Hydrotherapist Certification Course!)
Four different kinds of organic herbal blends available locally as well as online order via email!
*I am Peristeam (medical term for Pelvic Steaming) facilitator, and currently completing my Peristeam Hydrotherapist Training. I am at this time qualified to assist all the concerns such as irregular or missing cycle; short cycle and spontaneous bleeding; any kind of vaginal infections and UTI; fibroids, cysts, and polyps; endometriosis; PCOS; organ prolapse; pre- and post-menopause; as well as labor preparation; postpartum recovery (within 1 year after giving birth); pregnancy loss healing; abnormal bleeding; and unexplained fertility difficulty.
What is Pelvic Steaming?
Pelvic Steaming (a.k.a. Yoni Steaming or Vaginal Steaming) is a holistic self-care & womb-care practice of women, by women, for women. It is an ancient practice that has been utilized by women around the globe for many centuries to bring optimal health and balance to the uterus and menstrual cycle, promote fertility, as well as for postpartum care and menopausal support.
If you wish to utilize the at-home pelvic steaming to resolve your specific concerns around menstrual, reproductive, and gynecological health, or to deepen your womb health maintenance with customized pelvic steaming protocol, a private consultation will allow you to approach your needs as effectively and efficiently as possible.
The consultation starts with the online peristeam intake form I will ask you to fill out and submit by 72 hours before our appointment so that I can take a thorough look at your current state of menstrual and uterine/vaginal health in advance to create a custom pelvic steaming protocol for you.
Why Pelvic Steaming?
Despite the simplicity of the practice, its impact can be profound:
- Uterus Cleanse
Although menstruation is a uterus cleanse through the menstrual blood flushing the endometrium, the research by Steamy Chick showed that over 90% of women are not able to cleanse their uterus solely by the menstruation. Clots, brown blood, as well as fibroids, cysts, and endometriosis are all signs of stagnation. Vaginal Steaming can reach the old residues in the uterus and its warm steam could soften and liquify them. - Promoting Circulation
The penetrative warmth around the pelvic region promotes deep circulation which is vital for reproductive health. - Effective delivery of herbal essence to the pelvic region and uterus
Since the herbal essence steam reaches the vaginal region as well as up to the cervix and uterus directly, they can effectively benefit from the healing properties of the herbs. - Release tensions of the tissues and nervous system
By warming the pelvic area and promoting circulation, it relaxes the nervous system and can release suppressed emotions, tensions and stagnation, as well as old his/her-stories held in the womb. - Pelvic Spa
Receiving a warm steam in the pelvic region is pure pleasure. With the aroma of herbs and possibly candle light as well as soothing music, this ritual can bring you a beautiful self-care spa time.
What does a healthy menstrual cycle look like?
Although it is not commonly acknowledged, the following conditions are very natural when a woman is in her optimal menstrual health:
- The cycle is 28-30 days in length
- The period lasts for four days (not any shorter or longer, which indicates some imbalance) with a clear beginning and ending
- The menstrual blood is of fresh red color
- There is no sign of old blood, such as clots or brown blood.
- There are no menstrual cramps or PMS.
12 Reasons for Pelvic Steam
The founder of the Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute and Steamy Chick, Keli Garza, has collected vaginal steam case studies from over 700 women around the globe. From the case study observations, Vaginal Steaming could:
- Bring balance into your menstrual cycle
- Relieve period pain and PMS
- Cleanse and strengthen your uterus = strengthen your overall health
- Promote fertility and healthy pregnancy
- Postpartum care and labor preparation
- Assist healing vaginal infections and UTI
- Assist healing fibroids, cysts, PCOS, and endometriosis
- Assist healing prolapse
- Support menopause and post-menopause
- Increase your digestive & hormonal health
- Connect with the ancient wisdom and power of the womb
- Release stress and held emotions, and relax the nervous system
And there are more!
If you wish to learn the testimonials of women around the globe, you can learn at my Peristeam Hydrotherapy Institute, SteamyChick’s website.
Let us reclaim our true nature together!
Since I had menstrual difficulties ever since my teens, I have never thought that it could even be possible. And yet I am now becoming one of the evidences to have serene, peaceful, and beautiful moon time (period) through vaginal steaming and proper self-care. (To learn more about my steam story, click here.)
If you are having menstrual difficulties and believing that this is something that you have to just tolerate or rely on medications for, or if you are having a problem in your reproductive regions and have been recommended a medical procedure, I invite you to give a chance to trying this practice, possibly for a half year to one year. The evidence has shown that many women were able to reclaim their health through the steaming practice.
Vaginal Steaming is a deeply empowering and healing practice, as you are the one who is in charge of your body by cultivating a more intimate relationship with your womb, and continue to nurture it. But always with the right tools, support, and information! And it is an absolutely beautiful practice, because receiving the steam on the pelvic floor is so gentle, warm, and relaxing.
The content on the nurturewomb.com website is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any issue you may be facing – disease, health concern or illness. nurturewomb.com is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result if you choose to use or apply any of the information that you have read on this website and/or applied any of the information you have gathered from the resources. You are solely responsible for your health decisions.